Sunday, March 8, 2009

3/8 Lunch

Time: 11
Location: Trail 5 & 6 at San Onofre
Tide: going in to zero
Direction: 216 in PB, 192 in O'Side, 190 in San Clemente
Size: 1-3'
Board: Double Eagle
Water Temp: 56
Wind Conditions: slight texture

Going to head up north, maybe all the way to San O.

Ended up driving straight to Trail 6. They have some new signs up since the last time I visited.

Surfed some pretty meager waves for a couple of hours. One guy was out there with his kid. He was good with the tricks and his son was getting frustrated.

Saw some dolphins, which I haven't seen in a while.

Still some work to do on the towers before the summer season starts.

I tried to go the Rainbow outlet, but they are closed on Sundays. Ended up eating at Pipes Cafe in San Clemente, which apparently is about to be sold to a new owner. The current owner was throwing a little bash when as I was leaving.

Swell Direction | Size & Water Temp | Tide

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