Tuesday, May 5, 2009

5/6 AM

Time: AM
Location: Turmo
Tide: +4 at 8 and rising
Direction: 276
Size: 4-6, 7'
Board: Double Eagle
Water Temp: 62
Wind Conditions: Slight

Very close call today. I was way outside and caught a nice long ride. As I'm making a backside turn I see this guy out of the corner of my eye. He was right behind me on the wave. How we didn't hit boards, I don't know. At one point I had a firm grasp on his leash, but let it go. So we talked... I told him the first one on the wave has the wave, he didn't agree! I was pretty mad, but kept my composure. He was on a egg or longboard with teal rails.

Swell Direction | Size & Water Temp | Tide

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