Sunday, May 10, 2009

5/9 AM **

Time: 9
Location: Turmo, Old Mans, Pipes
Tide: 3
Direction: ? WSW
Size: 3-5, 6'
Board: Double Eagle
Water Temp: 62-65
Wind Conditions: slight

Crowded, but not summer bad yet. Had some borderline homeless guy call out the D.E. on the way down the ramp. He really wanted to check it out, saying that he grew up with Larry. Fun rides today, with about the same size as the last few days. I had a great right in front which was very workable. One guy sitting on the inside made hand motions like he was using an old movie camera, that made me laugh. I tried to find it again, but it wasn't consistent there. End up going north and picking a few and then moved south. Ended up near Pipes and got some fun beach break, but then it started to get nasty with the tide.

Swell Direction | Size & Water Temp | Tide

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